An exclusive delegation coming from Australia - where leading drug development experts will converge. The Agilex team would lik...
Flow cytometry has become a powerful tool in the bioanalytical arsenal. In an era where pharmaceuticals are becoming more targe...
Agilex 为客户提供小分子解决方案,帮助他们取得成功。Agilex Biolabs 正在庆祝其成立 29 周年...
30 年来,Agilex 一直为生物技术公司提供中枢神经系统靶向药物。近 30 年来,Agilex Biolabs 一直为生物技术公司提供中枢神经系统靶向药物。
应用数十年经验,着眼于小分子药物开发的未来 在抗体药物问世之前的数十年里,我们一直在研究小分子药物开发的未来。
透过表面看特应性皮炎的复杂性 解决特应性皮炎等炎症性皮肤病的问题...
We took some time to sit down and talk with Jason so you could get to know him a bit better... My name is Jason Valentine. I'm...
We took some time to sit down and talk with Cameron so you could get to know him a bit better... My name is Cameron Smith. I'm...