Tom Midgley
Study Director, Immunoassay
Tom has 9 years of experience in bioanalysis roles, with extensive experience across the pharmaceutical industry in contract research organisations and pharmaceutical companies in the UK. He has particular expertise in the development and validation of pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics and anti-drug antibody immunoassays.
At Agilex Biolabs, Tom is responsible the management and regulatory compliance for clinical (GCP) and pre-clinical (GLP) bioanalysis studies and ensuring that the needs of clients’ projects are met. Tom is also responsible for the development of PK, PD and ADA immunoassay methods, typically utilising immunoassay and ELISA platforms.
With a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Medical and Molecular Microbiology, Tom is a keen scientist and enjoys working with new technology and optimising processes in the lab. He particularly enjoys the analysis of complex data and the application of statistics to answer challenging questions and arrive at robust and accurate conclusions.