Agilex Biolabs announces 40% growth in 2019 at OCT New England

Boston, MA – Agilex Biolabs, the Asia Pacific’s leading bioanalytical laboratory, announced at “OCT New England”a 40% growth for 2019.

(2-3 October 2019 Boston, MA – Agilex Biolabs Booth #12)

The 40% growth was largely from US and Asia pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies conducting preclinical and clinical trials.

Australia-based Agilex Biolabs, the only FDA-inspected lab in the region, has 60% of its clients coming from the US and 30% from Asia with the remainder made up of Australian and increasingly EU clients.

The Australian Government offers eligible companies a 43.5% R&D rebate to attract and support clinical trials.

Agilex Biolabs offers bioanalysis for small molecules and biologics for PK, immunogenicity and biomarkers utilising the two platforms of LC-MS/MS and Immunoassay (ELISA, MesoScale, Gyrolab).

The world-class bioanalytical facilities have OECD GLP Recognition with NATA (Australian Government OECD GLP Compliance monitoring authority) and ISO 17025 Accreditation for global recognition.

CEO Jason Valentine said:

“Our facilities have more than 50 dedicated laboratory staff, and annually support more than 80 clinical trials. This year we will analyse more than 60,000 samples for pharma/biotechs from US, Europe and APAC.”

“By combining specialised expertise, technological innovation and a 20-year track record, we have supported hundreds of preclinical and clinical trials around the world.”

“Our team can work across time-zones to deliver results rapidly throughout the entire clinical process. Clients are attracted by Australia’s medical and research expertise and reputation, combined with Agilex Biolabs’ advanced accreditations, experience, and seamless global reach and response rates.”

For meetings with Agilex Biolabs at OTC New England please contact us on +1 (800) 247-1909

About Agilex Biolabs

Agilex Biolabs, an Australian-based company, began as a group of scientists providing bioanalytical services to the local Australian pharmaceutical industry in the 1980s and has grown into a business with a global client base.

In our 20 years of performing regulated bioanalysis of small and large molecules, we have accelerated hundreds of preclinical and clinical trials around the world.

Today, our clients include many of the leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in Asia, Europe and the USA.

Agilex Biolabs is built upon four core values that drive our performance:

  • ​Scientific excellence and technological innovation
  • Customer focus
  • Data integrity and quality assurance
  • Timeliness/speed