Meet the Agilex team: a Video Interview with Kurt Sales, PhD

We took some time to sit down and talk with Dr Sales so you could get to know him a bit better…

My name is Kurt Sales. I’m the Chief Scientific Officer at Agilex Biolabs. My role revolves around our scientific discussions, and being one of the first interactions with our clients (together with the business development team) to identify clients’ needs, and scope out their projects. This early communication drives down the requirements to our operations teams.

Kurt Sales, S.Sc Hons MSc PhD PGCM, Chief Scientific Officer, Agilex Biolabs

What is Your Story Prior to Joining Agilex?

I’ve been involved in drug discovery and development for over 20 years, right from the initial R&D for discovering new drugs and more lately (the last 10 years) as regulated by analysis.

What’s the Best Thing About Working at Agilex?

Really one of the best things about working at Agilex is that we really are a specialty lab in that early part of the drug development life cycle. So we are seeing novel medicines and brand new drugs for the very first time, and it’s very exciting to be at the forefront of those novel discoveries. It enables us to use our expertise to assist clients that are developing those novel medicines for a variety of indications – from neurodegenerative disorders right down to cancer. So every day is a fresh challenge and that’s super exciting for me.

What New Development Are You Most Excited About?

One of the most exciting new developments at Agilex is our new alliance with SGS, a Global Laboratory Company, which enables us to take our clients on a journey, right from early phase preclinical toxicology through to phase one, and then globally through later phase with our SGS network.

What Are Your Thoughts on Australia as a Location for Drug Development?

There’s a lot of investment in Australia. The Australian government have a variety of incentives for small to medium companies. It’s a fantastically collegial environment. We’ve got principal investigators, PIs, subject matter experts, world-renowned universities – so we have the local expertise here.

Who Should be Talking to Agilex?

I think that anyone that is involved or any small company that’s involved in creating new medicines, novel drug discovery and who is anticipating either doing a preclinical toxicology study or a clinical trial and, and what really sets us apart is that scientific excellence.

To learn more about conducting your drug development program in Australia or about Agilex Biolabs, contact our experts today.