Meet the Agilex team: a Video Interview with Jason Valentine

We took some time to sit down and talk with Jason so you could get to know him a bit better…

My name is Jason Valentine. I’m the Founder and current Chief Operating Officer of Agilex Biolabs.

Jason Valentine, Chief Operating Officer, Agilex Biolabs

What is Your Story Prior to Joining Agilex?

There’s not much of a story before Agilex, because I’ve been here for 24 years, but my first job out of university was as a first analyst, for the first phase one unit in Australia, and that’s where I understood what Australia had to offer in terms of clinical trials. That’s where my career headed from that point on.

What’s the Best Thing About Working at Agilex?

The exciting thing about working at Agilex is the people. We’ve got 200 people now, and to be involved with a company that’s employing 200 people – mainly from local universities – is pretty exciting. Aside from that, I think our role in global drug development excites me. I’ve got family that have illnesses as most people do, and we’ve worked on drugs that are, that are helping all of those different ailments that people have. I feel like it’s an exciting industry to be in, where we play a role in actually making people’s lives better.

What New Development are You Most Excited About?

I still get excited to come to work every day, and the thing that’s really exciting right at the moment is our global partnership with SGS and what that might bring for us now that we can offer phase one to three global capability. That’s particularly exciting. SGS are a fantastic company, so I’m looking forward to getting into that relationship.

What Are Your Thoughts on Australia as a Location for Drug Development?

Australia’s competitive advantages are really clear. We have global best practice quality, so it’s equivalent to everywhere in the world. That’s critical. But the speed of the regulatory process, coupled with the R&D tax incentive, means we hit all of the critical criteria for our biotech clients.

Who Should be Talking with Agilex?

Any biotechnology and pharmaceutical company that wants to seriously get their drug to market as quickly as possible with a global best practice provider should be talking to us.

To learn more about conducting your drug development program in Australia or about Agilex Biolabs, contact our experts today.